Casa Bramasole, Frances Mayes' house near Cortona

This is the real "Casa Bramasole",
somewhat different from the one shown in the film.
The latter is also located near Cortona and was used for the
restoration scenes. It has since
in turn been restored. More about
shot in Tuscany.
about life in Tuscany by Frances Mayes
Frances Mayes Under the Tuscan Sun (1996)
This is the memoir of her buying, renovating and living in an abandoned farm house,
Casa Bramasole, in Tuscany near Cortona that made Frances Mayes famous and rich enough to move there semi-permanently. If you can stand the style (continuous present tense, gushing) you'll learn a lot about living in rural Italy and a lot about Frances Mayes. I enjoyed the book - it's a lot of fun.
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Mayes Bella
Tuscany (1999)
you enjoyed "Under the Tuscan Sun" you will enjoy this
sequel. Frances Mayes continues work on Casa Bramasole and starts
renovation of a new property. There are descriptions of more
extensive excursions around Italy, including Sicily. There's
plenty on cooking, gardens as well as interior decoration.
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Mayes In
Tuscany (2000)
Renovation of Bramasole complete, this new book by Frances Mayes
is dominated by the extremely good photographs of Bob Krist,
including the house and Cortona. Good commentary, good recipes,
relaxed style - armchair traveller fodder at its best.
Buy it at Amazon
Frances Mayes, Edward Mayes, Steven Rothfeld
Tuscany home. Sensuous Style From the Heart of Italy
Good photography, text mainly for Mayes fans. In addition to recipes,
Frances Mayes offers recommendations on where to find good things Tuscan from antiques
and furniture to ceramics and textiles. But this is not an interior decoration book
(despite the cover design) - it's a
continuation of the story of Mayes' love affair with Tuscany.
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